Like the title says after 2 months lost with dead board and RMA related stuff finally I’ve the pleasure to play with da biatch…
Honestly, the only things that really impress me are the performances, this crap is scary fast in both of my favourite benchmarks: 3dMark 01 and Super-pi 32M.
The bad thing is that quite everything except performance isn’t exactly like I would, just to name some problems:

  • all of my Hyper kits act weird when using 2133 multiplier…and without this one the performance in 32M aren’t that good…
  • CPU quality is purely random, no need to search for specific batch, you only have to buy as much chip as you can and pray to get a good CPU.
  • BIOSes are ridiculous, laggy pages, crappy bioses that kill motherboards, poor support for certain RAMs and so on.
  • low end and low quality motherboard but premium prices.
  • etc etc…

EVGA haven’t yet showed a P67 motherboard, DFI LANparty division is dead…so I had to buy a Gigabyte.


i5-2500K # L045B311
Gigabyte P67A-UD4-B3 – bios F3B & F3
KHX & STT 2k cas8 MGH-E-Hyper
PCP&C 1200 Watt
6200 LE for 32M :: GTX 280 for 3dmark 01
WD scorpio 160 GB sata
2003 Server TW tweaked + custom CW :: XP sp3
Zerotherm Nirvana & some fans

If you are wondering why I’m using air cooling that’s because this CPU sucks monkeyballs and if using the single stage I lost at least 100 MHz.
Anyway this CPU isn’t good, even at AIR maxed out a bit under 5300 MHz.

Today a new BIOS came out, the F3, and I did a quick comparison between this and the best till now, the F3B.

F3B :: F3

super-pi 32M – 6.37.594 :: 6.37.593