Last weekend me, 7ornado and TheKing met in Castagnito (near Asti, Italy), we had some stuff to test and lots of LN2.
My objectives were to improve my AM3 score with GTX 280 and do a good 3Dmark 01 with a new HD4890.
As always we had a lot of fun and I also managed to pull out some good results.


_i7-2600K # L044B675
Gigabyte P67A-UD4-B3 – bios F3
KHX 2k cas8 MGH-E-Hyper
PCP&C 1200 Watt
GTX 280 :: VGPU and CAPs mod || crazy reference HD4890 blue PCB :: no mods needed
Maxtor DMAX 200 GB sata
XP sp3 _

_Guglio’s CPU pot rev 2.0 CPU
Unknown GPU pot – VGAs _

The more the time goes on the more I love 3Dmark 01 and Aquamark 3, they are such a great benchmarks, all of others 3d look boring if compared to them.
Did some quick run with the 280 trying to beat my previous 3Dmark 01 score but can’t did it, when I benched it some weeks ago the card was really maxed, so no room for improvements.
For AM3 the things are a bit differents, last time I didn’t had enough LN2 to run it properly and in fact this time I get something more out of the card.

AM3 412926 :: GTX280

7th place on (click here…)

The efficiency is really good, too bad that the card isn’t that great.

3Dmark 01 121141 :: HD4890

7th place on (click here…)

That’s an hell of a card, runs smoothly full pot with lots of moisture and clocks really high.
Too bad that I’m badly CPU limited, did 118325 marks with air cooling at 1050-1150 MHz.

That was another great weekend in Asti, lots of fun, lots of alcol and LOTS of LN2. Thanks Marco.