Last friday and saturday I had a 2 day LN2 trip with the CVF and my FX-4100 crap CPU.
Results were not good due to the crappy CPU but at least I had fun pushing the setup at its limit.
I only had time to test max frequency and do some super-pi 32M, then the CPU died.

CPU: FX-4100 – vcore 2.05 volt, vmch 1.65 volt
cooling: Guglio’s CPU pot rev 2.0
MB: Crosshair V Formula – bios 1003
RAM: G.Skill RipjawX 2133C8 – Elpida MNH-E-Hyper – 1.9 volt – red slots
VGA: nvidia 6200 LE 256 MB PCI-E
HDD: seagate 7200.10 160 GB sata
PSU: PCP&C 1200
OS: Win XP sp3 & 2k3 server TW

The max frequency I reached was 7013 MHz using 2.05 volt in bios and LLC extreme.
I found no frequency gain using more VCORE, I tried up to 2.15 volt.

7013.28 MHz (233.78 * 30)

CPUZ validate

32M :: 12.32.938 – FX-4100 @ 6531.1 MHZ, G.Skill @ 2270 MHz 7-8-7-22

Super-PI 32M time looks good, the mobo is performing very well even with the first and second DIMM slots completly frozen.
Switching from single stage to LN2 doesn’t give any gain in MCH frequency…so I didn’t bothered to play with RAM clock, I would have got the same 2700 MHz I had on single stage.
In a matter of day I will have an FX-8120, hope it will be better than this – now dead – FX-4100.