Yesterday was the big day, Fedora Schrödinger's Cat 19 stable release was released.
Since I had a free afternoon I decided to install it on my Thinkpad, and luckily everything was fine, even Anaconada installer issues with UMTS modules are gone, VMware Workstation 9.0.2 was working fine and so on.
The only issue I had was with DeaDBeeF audio player, I am using it from quite a long time and I like it a lot; too bad it’s not included in the default Fedora’s repos nor in the epel ones so every time I have to install it manually.
On the official site there’s no sign of an rpm built for Fedora 19 (ok, I understand it, it’s been released less than 48 hours ago) and I don’t seem to be able to install the one for Fedora 18, so I decided to compile it from source, and that was a PITA to say the least.
The README file included in the source code tar.gz archive is not of much help since, even with all the listed dependencies installed, after a good 2 o 3 minutes of compilation I got only an half working program which shows up properly but doesn’t play any kind of audio file.
Official documentation pages are also well hidden, but at least they are somewhat useful to compile the program so I guess it’s a good idea publicise them here.
Needed dependencies (rpmfusion free and non-free required) are:

yum install flac-devel libtool dbus-devel libsamplerate-devel libvorbis-devel alsa-lib-devel libcurl-devel libmad-devel ffmpeg-devel wavpack-devel libsndfile-devel libcdio-devel libcddb-devel pulseaudio-libs-devel gtk2-devel gcc-c++ faad2-devel intltool zlib-devel libzip-devel libogg-devel imlib2-devel libstdc++-static yasm libICE-devel libSM-devel gstreamer-{ffmpeg,plugins-{good,ugly,bad{,-free,-nonfree}}}

Then to compile ad install DeaDBeeF issue the following command (replace the number after -j with the number of cores of your CPU plus one):

sudo ./configure && make -j5 && sudo make install

Official instructions page
I still don’t get what the hell Fedora project is waiting to add what is arguably the best music player for Linux in the official repositories…

.:. DeaDBeeF 0.6

I just realized a new version was released not many days ago, I also noticed that they released an RPM for Fedora 19.
Anyway even this time I decided to install it from source (yeah, I know, I’m a bit masochist), dependencies are the same as 0.5.6 version plus a new one: mesa-libGLU-devel.

.:. Fedora 23 and upward

Same dependencies as before with the add of jansson-devel.

dnf install jansson-devel mesa-libGLU-devel flac-devel libtool dbus-devel libsamplerate-devel libvorbis-devel alsa-lib-devel libcurl-devel libmad-devel ffmpeg-devel wavpack-devel libsndfile-devel libcdio-devel libcddb-devel pulseaudio-libs-devel gtk2-devel gcc-c++ faad2-devel intltool zlib-devel libzip-devel libogg-devel imlib2-devel libstdc++-static yasm libICE-devel libSM-devel gstreamer1-{plugins-{good,ugly,bad{,-free,-nonfree}}} libsamplerate-devel gtk2-devel glib-devel glib2-devel jansson-devel alsa-lib-devel libvorbis-devel libogg-devel libcurl-devel imlib2-devel libjpeg-devel libmad-devel libmpg123-devel flac-libs wavpack-devel libsndfile-devel libcdio-devel libcddb-devel ffmpeg-devel libX11-devel dbus-devel pulseaudio-libs-devel faad2-devel zlib-devel libzip-devel yasm-devel