I got a new TV for the living room (a Panasonic Viera TX-L39E6E) which is DLNA capable.
To be honest I’m also planning to build some kind of media center, maybe a really low power one, based on some kind of raspeberry-pi lookalike device.
Anyway, for now I’m using my workstation (Fedora 19 x86_64) to stream video contents using miniDLNA.
First of all, let’s install it with the usual:

$ sudo yum install minidlna

Then, edit the following file:

$ sudo vi /etc/minidlna.conf

network_interface= #the network interface's name
friendly_name= #pc name
media_dir= #the directory with the files

Rebuild the database with (every media file in every subfolder will be added):

$ sudo minidlna -R

The last thing to do is add a couple of firewall rules, in Fedora 19 it can be done via the firewall-config gui:

8200 both TPC and UDP
1900 UDP

miniDLNA has its own service wihch can be controlled using the systemctl command, but since I use it only every once in a while I prefer to start it manually when it’s necessary using the following command (-d is for debug mode, this way if something doesn’t work like it should the debugging procedure will be easier):

$ minidlna -d

Now the DLNA server should be visible from the Panasonic DLNA client.
If for some reason the DLNA server does not shows up on clients set notify_interval parameter to a lesser value (I personally use 1).