Two weeks ago while wasting time on the interwebs I found by accident a couple of OnePlus One invites.
To be honest I wasn’t planning on buying a new phone since my previous Nexus 4 is still serving me well but seeing OPO price (299 € for the 64 GB one) and specs I said: well, fuck it.
So far I like it very much, the bigger screen makes general usage more enjoyable and battery life is significantly better than Nexus 4, it lasts 2 days without many problems.
I can’t really comment on Cyanogenmod OPO edition or whatever the stock ROM is called since I used it for just the bunch of minutes necessarily to enable USB debug, unlock the bootloader and install recovery and stock Cyanogenmod 11 snapshot M11.
One thing I for sure don’t like is the unlock screen, stock Cyanogenmod one is way way better but that’s pretty much it, can’t say more.