Nginx, PHP-FPM caching done right

The whole web is full of pseudo guides on how to properly - that is the key word here - configure Nginx to perform caching alongside with PHP-FPM, but every single one of them fails to mention some minor steps resulting in a borked half functioning implementation. For example, not a single one mention the necessity to edit /etc/php.ini and set session.use_cookies to 0. Too bad that without doing so caching with WordPress in combination with certain plugins or themes (for example MainWP or Enfold theme) is completely not working; the following headers get added to every HTTP response: …

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Pacman email updates notification

Pacman as long as I know does not provide any method for sending an email notification when there are updates available. SSH into the Arch box just to find out if there are updates available is really annoying so I wrote a simple bash script to do the dirty work on my behalf. [root@arch ~]# cat /etc/cron.daily/ #!/bin/bash HOST=hostname DOMAIN=domain SUBJECT="System update: $HOST@$DOMAIN" EMAIL_ADDR="name@domain" ### Query pacman for available updates updates_raw=$(pacman -Syu <<< n) if echo $updates_raw | grep "there is nothing to do" then echo Everything is up to date else updates=${updates_raw#*Packages ([1-9])} ### extract packages update list up_raw=${updates%Total Download*} up=$(echo $up_raw | tr ' ' '\n') #echo -e "$up" > report. …

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Defragment EXT4 file system

EXT4 is usually pretty good at keeping files fragmentation at minimum, but, sometimes, especially if dealing with really huge files, some fragmentation may actually occur. Luckily EXT4 supports online defragmentation, command fsck displays, among other things, fragmentation percentage: [root@fedora ~]$ fsck.ext4 -fvn /dev/sda1 e2fsck 1.42.12 (29-Aug-2014) Warning! /dev/sda1 is mounted. Warning: skipping journal recovery because doing a read-only filesystem check. Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes Pass 2: Checking directory structure Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity Pass 4: Checking reference counts Pass 5: Checking group summary information 429 inodes used (1. …

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Yum email updates notification

Yum provides a very useful package called yum-cron, its most publicized feature is the ability to enable yum to run nightly cron scheduled packages upgrades. I honestly don’t really think it is a good idea at all to let the system manage updates by himself but yum-cron can be used for another bunch of tasks, the most interesting one being: send an email if there are updates available. yum install yum-cron Configuration is actually pretty simple. …

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Email server: Dovecot and Postfix

Postfix configuration Install the required software: $ yum install postfix postgrey dovecot fail2ban spamassassin spamass-milter-postfix opendkim Create TLS certificate, key and CA authority (replace mail.domain.tld with a valid domain name): $ mkdir /etc/postfix/ssl $ cd /etc/postfix/ssl $ openssl genrsa -aes256 -out mail.domain.tld.key 4096 $ chmod 600 mail.domain.tld.key $ openssl req -sha256 -new -key mail.domain.tld.key -out mail.domain.tld.csr $ openssl x509 -sha256 -req -days 1825 -in mail.domain.tld.csr -signkey mail.domain.tld.key -out mail.domain.tld.crt $ openssl rsa -in mail. …

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KVM and PCI (VGA) passthrough

First off, I failed so there will not be any kind of walk-through or guide. Hardware/software setup is sub-optimal and is for sure part of the problem for at least three reasons: as primary display adapter I use an Nvidia GTX 750ti; I use Nvidia proprietary driver because nouveau support for newest graphic cards isn’t good (this is an understatement to say the least); it isn’t completely clear if Intel Z97 chipset supports VT-D or not and if it does on what level it does. …

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Fedora 21 and MTP

In order to be able to mount a MTP device (in my case it is a Oneplus One) in thunar file manager the following packages are needed: simple-mtpfs libmtp fuse fuse-libs gvfs-mtp. After installing the previous listed packages restart the system. Once installed the device can me be mounted with simple-mtpfs _directory_, unmounted with fusermount -u _directory_ or mounted with thunar/gigolo/etc.

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Android, Firefox and video corruption

When playing html5 videos with my 1+1 (Cyanogenmod 11 – snapshot M11 – Android 4.4.4 with ART runtime) using Firefox 33.1 (version 34 does not fix the bug either) audio works fine while video is completely corrupted with grey artifacts all over the place. The problem appears to be quite common and is not only circumscribed to 1+1. The best workaround so far is type about:config in the address bar, search for media. …

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