Beyerdynamic DT-770 PRO

I still can’t believe I finally made it, I quite lost the count of the times I told myself I have to buy a damn pair of headphones but I never actually did it. Finally, after my usual one year or so of digging through specialized forums and stuff, 2 weeks ago, I bought my first pair of decent headphones. Choosing the headphones that better suit your needs is quite a complex task because of at least 2 things: …

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First place 3rd stage Hwbot “October rush”

This month’s competition is called October rush, it consists in 7 or 8 stages each one lasting only three days. Because of my last year or so in which I was close to completely inactive I don’t have anymore much hardware, one of the few things I still have is my socket 939 setup and a bunch of single core A64 CPUs. The third stage of the competition was 3DMark 01 with the limitation of using a socket 939 CPU, which is exactly what I have. …

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FX-55 Clalwhammer and LN2

Two weeks ago I gave my golden FX-55 Clalwhammer a run at LN2 but looks like I’ve not yet blogged about it; let’s do it then. Since the first try using the single stage the CPU proved to be a good one but being a 130 nm voltage whore didn’t made the pretesting easy. With the help of LN2 everything became easier and luckily the CPU loves volt and cold (the below result was made with a CPU temperature of around -100° C). …

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VMware vSphere ESXi license

I’m not so used to ESXi, it’s been a while since the last time I installed it and when today I had to do it I forgot where I have to put the damn license. VMware did a very good job hiding the menu and the official site is good at everything but giving useful informations, so after a while I found by myself where the license page was. Guess I should post the procedure here for future reference. …

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A question of reliability – 2.0

Lately I had an interesting debate with a friend of mine, he works for a small company which works in the IT field. For obvious reason I will not write the name of the company nor who my friend is, anyway, what they do is the classical technical service and maintenance, servers machine deployment, system administration and so on. These days everyone needs some kind of IT Infrastructure, everyone needs an ERP system, etc etc; obviously they have quite a lot of work with small/medium business companies. …

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Execution time :: C & Win

Once in a while I happen to have to know how much time a certain function needs to be executed. While many programming languages have built in functions (time in Python, System.nanoTime() in Java and so on) to get this information, C doesn’t appear to have one. There is timec.h but it appears to be quite inaccurate, so if extremely high accuracy is needed we have to rely on something else; the downside is that these much more reliable libraries are not platform independent. …

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Nerd gonna nerd

Today officially started my summer holiday, 5 days ago I had my last exam at university and now finally I’ve the time to do all the things I can’t find the time to do the rest of the year. The majority of the people on earth awaits the summer holiday to completely stop doing what they do the entire year, pack things up and go away from home for as much as they can. …

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Major upgrade

OK, not exactly an upgrade, but still an improvement over my precedent configuration. You have to know that I used for a long time – years – a dual monitor configuration, something like 6 months ago one of the two monitors went nut and I had to replace it. Obviously it was already discontinued by some time so I had to replace both my monitors, I decided to buy a single Dell U2412M (here is the post I wrote). …

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