New nerdy stuff…woot

Beside my latest AMD addiction I’m still thinking about getting my Sandy Bridge stuff working properly. Three weeks ago I bought an EVGA P67 SLI, I had a BIG hope on this mobo and after some testing I finally can say that I found a decent mobo for Sandy. This one boots straight at high BCLK, is quite solid and at least as fast as the Gigacraps I had before, now I’ve only to find a decent CPU. …

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AMD 955 @ 6960 MHz :: round 2

I’m not having great luck with sandy’s CPU, so, when I saw this stuff on sale in a local online shop I tought: why not ? Last weekend I had a long LN2 session but due to moisture and other issues I cannot managed to push this setup to its limit. So, today I went to the LN2 dealer and refilled the dewar, go back home, had lunch and then start clocking. …

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AMD 955 is on fire :: round 1

After the small prologue of 3 weeks ago, here is the first round with my new uber cheapo and uber flucking crazy AMD stuff. Past weekend I and my fellows had 48 hours no stop benching. While they were focused on their HD5870 lightning + Sandy rig I was testing my new AMD stuff (much more fun than Sandy TBH). Despite the huge amount of time wasted cause of the ice and moisture I managed to get some good results too, and if the HD with 2k3 server wouldn’t had decided to die there would have been something more… …

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HwBot’s Geil Contest & AMD 955 B.E. first touch

Exams at university are gone, HwBot this month host the interesting Geil contest, so here I’m with the trusty 920 and EVGA E760. To be honest the idea was to play with my new MSI 990FXA-GD80 and Phenom II 955 B.E. – bought them, not press samples for review or so – but the lack of decent BIOS for the mobo made me change the plan and give priority to the contest. …

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Da Bitch really pissed me off

Today I’m NOT gonna write the usual report of an overclocking session or write about the latest nerdy thing that I play with. That’s kinda different, the purpose of this write-up is basicly answer to a simple question: why Intel 1155 stuff sucks that badly? Many people probably aren’t of the same thinking but I’m quite confortable to say that this latest Intel platform is a HUGE EPIC FAIL. The last medium range Intel platform that was really worth to play with was P35, socket LGA 775; back in those good days I had some really great board that i still have and still running smoothly. …

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Bitch, GTX280, HD4890 and lots of – 3d – fun

Last weekend me, 7ornado and TheKing met in Castagnito (near Asti, Italy), we had some stuff to test and lots of LN2. My objectives were to improve my AM3 score with GTX 280 and do a good 3Dmark 01 with a new HD4890. As always we had a lot of fun and I also managed to pull out some good results. Config: _i7-2600K # L044B675 Gigabyte P67A-UD4-B3 – bios F3 …

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Having fun with Sandy, 3Dmark 01 & AM3 inside

Past friday I finally get some LN2 and did a 3 hours bench session in the afternoon. This time I was focused on 3Dmark 01 and Aquamark 3 with the trusty – and also crappy – GTX 280. Have to say that this time even with a not that good CPU and the crappiest GTX 280 I have ever seen on earth was alot of fun, 3Dmark 01 really rocks, and especially bench it alone is really a big satisfaction. …

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Another Biatch in da house, lets see…

I would like to write another kind of title, something like Benches and lots of fun, but when da biatch is involved you better forget the word fun. So, no fun, or at least not as much fun as when benching with 1366 stuff, but still worth to write a small article here. Same stuff as the previous writeup except for the CPU, yesterday I went to a local PC shop and bought a 2600K for a good price. …

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