i7 950 + DFI UT X58 + HD4890…pwnage incoming

Few weeks ago I got an i7 950 from ebay. The first impression was good, it has a really strong IMCH and it’s damn hot…then probably it has low cold bug. Before put it under LN2, as I always do, I’m testing it with my single stage phase change (for more info look at Cooling section). The maximum core frequency that I can reach isn’t that good, but I think that with more cold it will give me tons of others MHZ. …

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Back in business…P4 631 alien, 8+ GHz

It was 10 April 2010, AOC (me, the king, 7ornado and |ron) is back in business. After long time we decide to test another time Alien, a Pentium 631 that 2 years ago got the frequency absolute world record. This time we used a Rampage Extreme, the mobo looked pretty solid but not as good as the good old ASUS Commando. BTW we got 8025 MHZ, the precedent WR made with this CPU was 8180 MHZ. …

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