NFS on Fedora

NFS allows to share files and folders over network and is much much faster than samba while using way less resources. To setup a NFS server on Fedora 26 install: $ dnf install nfs-utils Shared directories are listed in the following configuration file: --- # Syntax # <path> <ipaddr>(<option>) /home/user/Public,sync) More information can be found here: Fedora NFS administration guide. In the above example, the the directory ‘/home/user/Public’ can be accessed by every client in the same LAN with read-only permissions. …

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AMD Ryzen on Linux

Finally we have some new hardware worth writing of and also spending money on. I have been using an AMD Ryzen 7 1700X based build for some time now and so far I am really liking it, the CPU is marvelous considering the pricetag and felt like a worthwhile upgrade from the Xeon E3-1241v3 I was using before; it is basically twice the cores clocked at pretty much the same speed. …

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Handbrake, compile from source on Fedora 25

Handbrake cannot be installed from default repos nor rpmfusion, to get it on Fedora 25 there are two other options: use negativo17 third party repository; compile from source. The first option is, but that is my opinion, subpar because I don’t trust third party repositories; option two is what is left. Download the source code from git and install some dependencies: $ git clone $ sudo dnf install dbus-glib-devel gstreamer1-devel gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel intltool libgudev1-devel libnotify-devel webkitgtk3-devel libgudev-devel dbus-glib-devel webkitgtk3-devel gstream-devel libnotify-devel gstreamer1-devel gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel lame-devel opus-devel fribidi-devel libass-devel libtheora-devel x264-devel nasm Like I do with every other program I like to keep as much up to date as possible, I have a small script to take care of compilation, installation and upgrade processes for me. …

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Gajim and OMEMO on Gentoo Linux

OMEMO is the new-ish state of the art end-to-end encryption XMPP protocol extension, Gajim support it via a plugin but making it work on Gentoo is not straightforward at all. Gajim’s OMEMO plugin requires python-axolotl package to work, since that is not present in Gentoo’s repositories it must be installed from source. Before doing so a couple of dependencies must be installed first: $ emerge -a dev-python/protobuf-python $ chmod o+w /usr/lib64/python3. …

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Monitor hard disk health status with smartd on Linux

This does not really works, read this: First of all install smartmontools, it has the same name on pretty much every distro: $ emerge -a1 smartmontools Proceed to edit its configuration file, at the bottom of the file there is a quick explaination of all the available parameters: cat/etc/smartd.conf --- DEVICESCAN -H -R 1 -R 5 -R 7 -R 10 -R 11 -R 196 -R 197 -R 199 -R 200 -m user@domain. …

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Compile LineageOS for Oneplus 3 on Fedora 25

Android community is one big cancerous clusterfuck, it is no wonder that finding a decent guide on how to compile Android from source written in a somewhat comprehensible english is pretty much mission impossible. Cyanogenmod Inc. shutting down their wiki and services overnight surely didn’t help either. Required packages on Fedora 25 are (rpmfusion repo must be previously installed): $ sudo dnf install screen java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel git schedtool ncurses-devel ncurses-libs ncurses-compat-libs ImageMagick-devel libstdc++-devel bison gnupg lzma For some reason the compilation process stores some temporary files in /tmp which, in Fedora 25, is mounted on a tmpfs ramdisk. …

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Manually backup/restore Android application's data

Android stores application’s data in /data/data directory, it can be accessed via adb only on a rooted phone. To make a backup copy the correspondent directory: $ adb root $ adb pull /data/data/eu.siacs.conversations Application’s data can also be extracted from a full system backup made with TWRP: $ tar -xvf data.ext4.win000 Restoring the backup is the tricky part since Android uses SELinux and every app has it’s own unix user. …

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BTRFS RAID10 on Gentoo

Btrfs is fairly stable and with the latest kernels it is becoming even a better alternative to the most commonly used EXT4 and XFS filesystems. While not being always better or faster it brings to the table a huge amount of improvements that makes it by far the best filesystems for storage. XFS itself is moving in the very same direction and will probably have in the near future some of the features Btrfs already has (e. …

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