InfluxDB max user`s password length

Apparently Microsoft is not alone when it comes to utterly retarded design decisions. A few years ago when signing up for a Microsoft account I discovered that for some reason they enforce a maximum password lenght of 16 characters or something around that. Well, InfluxDB not only does the same thing but also silently fails to create the user account when the password is considered too long. Took me at least half an hour to figure out why this piece of trash kept vomiting {"error":"authorization failed"}. …

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Kubernetes cluster for manufacturing engineering: tale of an epic commissioning

- Introduction A quite big company that produces parts for some of the most important automotive industry companies was interested in a cloud-based system to monitor the overall efficiency of their production machines, analyze some key parameters and optimize the production activities scheduling. Goal of the project was to connect eleven industrial manufacturing machines to the cloud, extract specific machine data and develop a web application for the visualization and management of such data, while guaranteeing information confidentiality and security. …

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