Sony WF-1000XM4 on Linux Fedora 35

Last week I converted myself to wireless earphones. I don’t consider myself an audiophile, I don’t have any deep knowledge of music but I kinda enjoy listening to it. Because of this I have had a few decent pairs of headphones, earphones and monitor speakers in my life; they all shared a thing: cables. Last week I pulled the trigger and bought myself my very first pair of wireless earphones: Sony WF-1000XM4. …

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AMD Ryzen on Linux

Finally we have some new hardware worth writing of and also spending money on. I have been using an AMD Ryzen 7 1700X based build for some time now and so far I am really liking it, the CPU is marvelous considering the pricetag and felt like a worthwhile upgrade from the Xeon E3-1241v3 I was using before; it is basically twice the cores clocked at pretty much the same speed. …

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Handbrake, compile from source on Fedora 25

Handbrake cannot be installed from default repos nor rpmfusion, to get it on Fedora 25 there are two other options: use negativo17 third party repository; compile from source. The first option is, but that is my opinion, subpar because I don’t trust third party repositories; option two is what is left. Download the source code from git and install some dependencies: $ git clone $ sudo dnf install dbus-glib-devel gstreamer1-devel gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel intltool libgudev1-devel libnotify-devel webkitgtk3-devel libgudev-devel dbus-glib-devel webkitgtk3-devel gstream-devel libnotify-devel gstreamer1-devel gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel lame-devel opus-devel fribidi-devel libass-devel libtheora-devel x264-devel nasm Like I do with every other program I like to keep as much up to date as possible, I have a small script to take care of compilation, installation and upgrade processes for me. …

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