Firejail and symlink pointing outside of home directory

I normally move /home/user/Downloads off /home/user to a secondary mechanical drive and then symlink it back to /home/user. Firejail for security reasons does not allow whitelisting directories residing outside of the home directory, the simplest solution I found is mount Download directory using mount --bind. sudo mount --bind /mnt/data/Downloads/ /home/user/Downloads To make the change permanent edit fstab: cat /etc/fstab --- /mnt/data/Downloads /home/user/Downloads none bind

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Self hosting Firefox Sync on CentOS 7

Configuring this piece of poorly documented bloated shit Mozilla came up with was a huge pain in the ass, so excuse the colored language but I am fucking pissed. The idea was to finally implement a system to synchronize Firefox’s bookmarks across multiple devices without giving Mozilla all my personal data. After some minutes spent researching the subject on the interweb I found out the synchronization system is a huge clusterfuck comprised of multiple components: …

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