uwot.eu TOR onion mirror

Here at uwot.eu we are strong believers in internet anonymity and privacy, for this reason we are proudly announcing the launch of uwot.eu onion mirror. Onion mirror version of the website is still work in progress and still contains links to third party clearnet domains. Use with caution.

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FreeBSD, Nginx and htpasswd file generation

On most Linux distros it is possible to generate the htpasswd file entries simply using the htpasswd command line util. On FreeBSD the easiest way to accomplish the same task is using OpenSSL itself: openssl passwd -apr1 Enter the password twice to get a nice hash, copy that in the htpasswd file with the usual user:password_hash syntax.

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FreeBSD, NGINX and TLSv1.3

After a six months hiatus here is a new blogpost. This saturday I finally found the time to upgrade the configuration of the server that hosts this very website. Software stack is pretty simple: FreeBSD (version 12.0-p6),nginx (version 1.15.10) and OpenSSL (version 1.1.1a-freebsd). Install the required software: $ pkg install nginx-devel py36-certbot Get a SSL certificate from letsencrypt: $ certbot-3.6 certonly --standalone -d domain.tld -d www.domain.tld Certfiles location is /usr/local/etc/letsencrypt/live/<domain.tld>, you might, or might not, want to move them to another directory. …

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FreeBSD network performance on KVM/Qemu

Today I red an article that was comparing Fedora 29 and FreeBSD 11.2 network performance in a KVM/Qemu environment. Since I use KVM/Qemu and also Fedora and Freebsd I powered on a couple of vm and did my own tests. Results are quite interesting, I expected FreeBSD to be faster but it turns out Fedora 29 actually is. Host system configuration: CPU: Ryzen 7 1700x @4 GHz Motherboard: Gigabyte X370 K7 - BIOS F23d RAM: 2x16 GB DDR4 @3133 MHz CAS 16 HDD: Some Samsung SSD Operating systems Host: Fedora 29 x86_64 Fedora VM0: Fedora 29 X86_64 Fedora VM1: Fedora 29 X86_64 FreeBSD VM0: FreeBSD 11. …

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Nginx, PHP-FPM caching done right

The whole web is full of pseudo guides on how to properly - that is the key word here - configure Nginx to perform caching alongside with PHP-FPM, but every single one of them fails to mention some minor steps resulting in a borked half functioning implementation. For example, not a single one mention the necessity to edit /etc/php.ini and set session.use_cookies to 0. Too bad that without doing so caching with WordPress in combination with certain plugins or themes (for example MainWP or Enfold theme) is completely not working; the following headers get added to every HTTP response: …

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