Compile LineageOS for Oneplus 3 on Fedora 25

Android community is one big cancerous clusterfuck, it is no wonder that finding a decent guide on how to compile Android from source written in a somewhat comprehensible english is pretty much mission impossible. Cyanogenmod Inc. shutting down their wiki and services overnight surely didn’t help either. Required packages on Fedora 25 are (rpmfusion repo must be previously installed): $ sudo dnf install screen java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel git schedtool ncurses-devel ncurses-libs ncurses-compat-libs ImageMagick-devel libstdc++-devel bison gnupg lzma For some reason the compilation process stores some temporary files in /tmp which, in Fedora 25, is mounted on a tmpfs ramdisk. …

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Manually backup/restore Android application's data

Android stores application’s data in /data/data directory, it can be accessed via adb only on a rooted phone. To make a backup copy the correspondent directory: $ adb root $ adb pull /data/data/eu.siacs.conversations Application’s data can also be extracted from a full system backup made with TWRP: $ tar -xvf data.ext4.win000 Restoring the backup is the tricky part since Android uses SELinux and every app has it’s own unix user. …

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