Remote encrypted backup with iSCSI and LUKS2

The idea here is to have a LUKS2 encrypted volume stored on a remote server that allows authenticated clients to load and decrypt the data without letting the server know what is being written, read and stored. Keep in mind that this solution is not 100% bulletproof, you still kind of have to trust the backup server because a malicious entity might take multiple snapshots of the encrypted iSCSI LUN and try to crack the encryption. …

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LUKS2 the right way: Argon2

Version 2 of cryptsetup got a few new fancy options, one of them is the ability to use Argon2 as key derivation function. Creating a LUKS2 volume with Argon2 as hash function is very easy: sudo cryptsetup luksFormat -M luks2 --pbkdf argon2id -i 5000 /dev/sdb Please note that grub still does not support it, so it can’t be used for boot drives. Once the volume is created, to mount it run: …

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